Nir Ada Voal Ultrafine Scarf
Nir Ada Voal Ultrafine Scarf
Nir Ada Voal Ultrafine Scarf

Nir Ada Voal Ultrafine Scarf

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115 cm x 115 cm

Nir Ada voal ultrafine scarves are designed for everyday wear and comes in three shades of iridescent colours, Vesuvius, Vesuvius Blue, and Summer Sun. These colours are inspired by Syagini’s artwork series Spectral Fiction, created during a period of temporary olfactory loss and in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paradoxically this condition enhanced her vision, resulting in a distinct but nuanced colour composition. .

Nir Ada的系列絲巾以舒適透氣的聚酯纖維製作,為日常穿搭設計,有三種虹彩色的選擇:維蘇威、維蘇威藍和夏日豔陽。藝術家在新冠疫情期間曾有過短暫失去嗅覺的經歷,這恰恰提升了她的視覺感知,啟發了作品系列〈魑魅虛構〉。這些絲巾揉合了藝術家該段創作,拼搭出獨特且細緻入微的色彩構圖。

Syagini Ratna Wulan (b. 1979), also known as Cagi, is renowned for a nonlinear visual approach. Working across mediums and practises, she presents her ideas through her imaginative language of combining different materials and forms. Syagini ventured into the realm of fashion in recent years and founded nirada studio and srw. Her works have been exhibited in the 10th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane (2021); Venice Biennale (2019); and Shanghai Biennale (2016) and . She obtained her MA in Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths College, University of London (2005) and graduated with a BA in printmaking from Art and Design Faculty, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2001).

Syagini Ratna Wulan(又名Cagi,生於1979年)i以非線性的視覺表達而聞名,她的創作遊走於不同媒介,更涉足時尚領域,創辦了品牌 nirada studio 和 srw。她的作品曾在世界各地展出,包括亞太當代藝術三年展(2021年)、威尼斯雙年展(2019年)、和上海雙年展(2016年)。2005年於倫敦大學金匠學院修畢文化研究碩士課程,2001年畢業於印尼萬隆理工學院藝術與設計學院版畫系。