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Di Wu & Florence Lee
Nomad 002

Vacuum packed
35 x 25 cm

What was it like to live in mandatory quarantine? It was absolutely silent. It was like being in a vacuum state inside a glass jar, where everything was so quiet. I was watching everything that was happening outside from a position that was neither too close nor too far away - like watching a scene light years away through the cold glass lens of a telescope. Everything was muted. There seemed to be a thin layer of film separating me from the chaos. The sound outside was lost in the void between the stars. It was as if “the silence of the universe on the physical plane corresponds to the silence of morality.” I kept silent, capturing with my camera the scenes in life that have became commonplace, and trying to find the misplaced moments in the so-called “everyday”, so as to create fictional stories.

強制隔離的生活是怎麼樣的?是絕對寂靜的。就好像身處於玻璃罐中的真空裡,所有的一切安靜極了我在一個不太近也不太遠的位置上看著外面發生的一切----就像是隔著望遠鏡冰涼的玻璃鏡片觀看幾光年遠的場面,一切發生的悄然無聲。又似乎有一層薄膜把我和混亂隔絕開來。 外面的聲音迷失在星辰間的虛空裡。就像「宇宙在物理層面的寂靜, 對應著道德上的沈默。」我保持著沈默,用相機紀錄了生活中司空見慣的場景; 也試圖從所謂的 「日常」 中找尋錯置的瞬間,從而創建出虛構的故事。


About No Reason Studio 

No reason studio is a Hong Kong-based creative studio with a focus on artist-led publishing, animation art and photography, founded by Florence Yuk-ki Lee, an animator from Hong Kong and Di Harper Wu, a video artist from Beijing. They both graduated from Central Saint Martins (BA Graphic Design), and the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong (MFA in Creative Media). No reason studio had participated in multiple art book fairs and festivals such as Booked: Hong Kong Art Book Fair 2020 & 2021, Taipei Art Book Fair 2018, Kowloon City Book Fair 2018 and Hong Kong Zine and Print Fest 2017 etc.

No reason studio 是⼀個基於香港的⼯作室,專注獨立出版印刷,動畫藝術與影像創作。⼯作室由來⾃香港的動畫藝術家李鈺淇和來⾃北京的視頻影像藝術家吳迪共同創辦,她們於 2016年獲得倫敦中央聖⾺丁學院平⾯設計學⼠學位,於2020年獲得香港城市⼤學創意媒體 藝碩⼠學位。No reason studio 近年參與了多個藝術書展和藝術節:如2020和2021年香港 ⼤館當代美術館舉辦的BOOKED:香港藝術書展、2018年的台北藝術書展、2018年的九⿓城 書節及2017年的香港圖像藝術節等。