Completed with an error

Completed with an error

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Completed with an error

"Completed with an error" encompasses my recent graphite drawings, ranging from movie scenes, daily snapshots to quirky objects. The title is a phrase from the printer, showing an optimistic confidence in systematic stumbling, which I particularly find it interesting.

從電影的一幕、日常的片段到奇形怪狀的一物,小誌創作人以鉛筆筆觸將其放大、還原或轉化成難以辨認的面貌,收錄到小誌《Completed with an error》裡。標題取自影印機語言,以戲謔式的樂觀自信表達失敗及誤差。


About Debby Hou Lam Tsui

Hou Lam Tsui (b. 1997) is a Hong Kong-based artist and zine maker. Tsui received a BA in Fine Art and History of Art at the University of Leeds in 2018. Her practice centres around personal experience, gender politics, boundaries, and peripheral storytelling. She also writes poems. Selected consignment stores and reading places of her zines include Printed Matter (New York), Motto (Berlin), Pon Ding (Taipei), Book B (Hong Kong), and Asia Art Archive (Hong Kong).